In Our Office
We designed our office to promote client confidentiality in the following ways:
- We have created an exterior entry room, with a pass-through window where mail and packages are delivered. Those delivering mail and packages never have access to the locked main part of our office without our staff supervision.
- We have built a sound-proof conference room carefully located away from the entry portion of our office.
- We carefully schedule client conferences so that we almost never have more than one client at our office at any time.
- Under our lease agreement with our landlord, our landlord does not have a key to our office suite, and our offices are never accessible to our landlord’s contractors and cleaners when our staff is not present to supervise them.
With Our Staff
We have long-term staff whom we have carefully trained about client confidentiality, procedures, and practices. Staff know that they are never to even mention a client’s name outside of our office. They also know not to discuss client names or matters whenever other clients are in the office.
Our staff work behind a partitioned wall, so that delivery and other visitors cannot see the matters that they may be working on at any moment.
In Social Settings
If you are our client and we see you at a social function, we will intentionally never give any indication that we know you because of our attorney-client relationship. We do not want to inadvertently cause anyone to think that we have a professional relationship, and thus suspect that we may be representing you in a legal matter.
In Managing Our Work
We implement best practices in office and document security. We employ an IT firm to maintain our office technology to the highest standards of security. While no security system can ever be 100% secure, we focus on deploying all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of all client information and preserve the attorney-client privilege.